"Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the housel"
". . . Only you'd better not come very close I generally hit everything I can see-
when I get really excited."
Perhaps you picture the typical Taurus man as a quiet, practical soul, as sensible and
down-to-earth as an old pair of shoes. It's true-he is. You may also observe that he's
slow to move to action, deliberate and careful. True again. Therefore, you deduce,
it's only logical to assume he's not very romantic. Positively false.
Where did you get the idea you can analyze the Taurean nature by using pure logic
alone? Probably from some Libra fellow who's trying to make an impression on
you. Well, he's wrong. Logic isn't very helpful when you're trying to solve the riddle
of a strong, masculine symbol like the bull, who's ruled by a loving, peaceful planet
like Venus. Send that Libra man with his clever mind back to the library.
The buU may take a long time deciding if he wants you for his woman. He's not
going to execute a flashy swan dive into the pool of romance and discover on the
way down that someone forgot to fill it with water. But once he's made up his mind
that you're the one, and once he sets his mind on winning you, he'll make the Libra
lover look like a fumbler. He'll even put the smitten lion and the passionate Scorpio
to shame. That sensible, practical, slow, determined Taurus male is capable of
sending you one pink rose each day until you surrender to his proposal-of marriage-
or whatever. He can even write a poetic song or verse, and bashfully mail it to you
without signing it, knowing you'll guess the sender. Taurus can be a tender, gentle
and protective lover. His sensual nature will make him vulnerable to your exotic
perfume, the smoothness of your skin and softness of your hair. He may not say so
in flowery language to your face, but he will find a way to convey the message. The
Taurus sense of touch is a tangible thing.
This negative, fixed earth sign is full of contradictions in love. A Taurean will like
to see you dress in luxurious furs and rich colors. He may buy you a fragrant bunch
of fresh, spring violets for your furs from the little old lady on the corner, and leave
a large tip in her basket because she reminds him of his mother. (You, however, will
definitely not remind him of either his mother or his sister -except when it comes to
protecting you from the rude glances of other bulls who try to move in.) Music will
stir his emotions and put him in the mood for love. He's almost sure to have a
favorite song that reminds him of you each time he hears it. It's the one he keeps
playing on the juke box.
If you need more proof of the romance in his soul, the typical Taurus man will help
you build your hope chest with birthday gifts of china and silver, and at Christmas
he'll remind you of Santa himself when he comes calling, loaded down with
mysterious packages and sentimental trinkets. He'll suggest moonlight swims,
picnics in cool, secluded woods, and walks down country lanes under the stars. His
will be the largest, fanciest, most eloquent Valentine the postman ever delivered on
February 14th. When a Taurus man courts you, he courts you. He doesn't fool
around. You'll probably be taken to dine in glamorous restaurants, with soft lights
and violins, and he'll never forget the date you first met or any other intimate anni-
versary between you. For the love of buttercups, how much romance do you need?
It's perfectly true that the bull isn't a wild dreamer like the Aquarian male. Taurus
will never sweep you off your feet like a Leo, or promise to take you floating away
to live with him in a fairy castle, drifting on pink clouds forever and a day, like an
Aries. He's more likely to drop by on foot some Saturday night, with the architect's
blueprints for the house he plans to build for you, out of real lumber and with real
cash. He'll probably make the down payment on the property, or at the very least, on
the apart" ment lease, before you become engaged. This man means business.
When the bull lifts you across his threshold and plants you firmly in his substantial home,
which won't bear the faintest resemblance to a fairy castle, you can be sure the
mortgage is secure at the bank. That's hardly something to complain about. You'll
wonder why you ever wanted to be wrapped in those pink clouds, once you've been
warmly and snugly enfolded in the soft Taurean blanket of security. You'll be too
busy enjoying your new furniture and checking account (or the certainty that they're
just around the corner) to weep for misty dreams that probably wouldn't have come
true anyway. That is, if you're a female who appreciates solid value. Not every
woman does, more's the pity. But sensible girls, from eighteen to eighty, value the
peaceful, easygoing ways of the bull and his calm, stable nature. His sentimental
gestures and pleasantly earthy wooing can be just as satisfying as the soulful, poetic
sighs of more colorful lovers, or the dashing excitement of the flashier Don Juans,
quite often even more so. Ask any woman who's been sensible enough to get herself
good and loved by a strong Taurean. There are lots of contented cows and happy
heifers around.
A Taurus man plans for tomorrow carefully. As the squirrel stores his nuts when
they're plentiful in the summer, to provide security for the cold, barren winter-the
temporary pleasures of a bright afternoon will never distract Taurus from preparing
for the days when the slush piles up at the curb. It's a funny thing, but the hus-^
bands who are financially able to take or send their wives to Florida in January are
often born in May.
Naturally, there are drawbacks to a romantic escapade with a Taurus male-all is not
peaches and perfection. For one thing, youll have to brush up on your ladylike
behavior. No Taurus man is going to put up with a loud, masculine female who
cracks a whip like an animal trainer. If you have any forceful opinions, don't shove
them down his throat or brag about your brainpower in public. Privately, he respects
a female with intelligence (though he places a higher premium on plain common
sense), but you'd just better let him be the bright one of the team when you're out
together dancing cheek to cheek-even if you're just sitting in a restaurant, knee to
knee. Make like the emancipated woman in front of his friends and he'll have one of
two reactions. If he's a primitive Taurean (and you'd be surprised how many of
those there are), he's likely to give you a shove and a shaking, maybe even a good
smack in the right place when you get home-or worse, before you get home. If he's a more sophisticated type, he'll simply
clam up on you in front of everyone and sit there like a large chunk of cold stone,
refusing to speak a word the rest of the night, until you're so embarrassed you wish
the floor would swallow you. Your friends will be most uncomfortable, too. It can
really dampen an evening, not to mention cramp your style.
Your first impulse will be to try to undo the damage, but trying to jolly him out of
his stubborn mood before it's run its course is literally impossible. It's like trying to
move the Rock of Gibraltar. As a matter of fact, if you attempt to tease him back
into normal social behavior, you may wish you had just let him sulk. A hunk of cold
stone is infinitely more acceptable than his reaction to your coaxing after you've
angered him. Push him too far and he'll turn from a silent sphinx into a bellowing
bull, who may very well let loose some mighty earthy language, which will cause
your cheeks to flame even pinker. Either that, or he'll say calmly to the group,
"Excuse me for breaking up the party, but I have to drag this woman with the tent
flap mouth home and teach her a few lessons." You'll hide from everyone you know
for weeks afterwards. And all because, when he's holding the group spellbound with
his summary of the political scene, you interrupt him with a remark like, "Oh>
honey, don't be so naive. Everyone knows Utterbach takes bribes. With his record
he couldn't get elected chairman of the Boy Scout cookie sale, let alone
Congressman. You don't know what you're talking about," at which point he'll dig in
those heels, fold his arms across that beefy chest, and begin to pout-or clobber you-
whichever. If you see him reach for his coat, you might as well put on yours, too. A
Taurus man will seldom leave his woman alone with the wolves, unprotected, no
matter how angry she's made him. He'll take her along, by the hair, if necessary. So
don't get any ideas of staying behind to get sympathy from the others. When he
leaves, you leave. And I would strongly advise you to apologize before you get
home. He won't. Running to Mama's arms won't do any good. You share his bed and
board, as long as he pays the rent. Mother-in-law interference is about the last thing
the typical bull will stand for. The first time you try that "running home to Mother"
routine will probably be the last. After they once experience his fury, your parents
wll prefer to keep the door locked and let you handle your own problems.
I know a Taurus man with an aggressive wife who found aunique solution. He
simply refuses to go out with her in piblic. Her irresistible force met an immovable
object- tm. She can go out and rob other men of their mas-cilinity all she wants, not
Taurus, the bull. He's very fond o: his positive mate, and they have rather a nice
team gong in many ways; they respect each other tremendously -but until she learns
to submit, keep her mouth closed, aid let him be the man, she's forced to go to
parties, roetings and the theater without an escort. This particular Tiurean has
refused to accompany her ever since the time tby joined several other couples for
dinner at a fancy pice. His wife grabbed the menu from him and ordered fa- the
whole group. She made unflattering remarks about hi haircut and his tie during the
first course, and supplied tb punch line to three of his jokes during the entree. IS)w
she goes to social functions alone, while her Taurus nate refuses to budge from his
castle. You can't really bkme the bull. He's just being true to his Sun sign. It's sfll a
solid marriage, but you may not be so lucky. So An't tempt your Taurean by shoving
him around.
He's extremely patient, but he won't wear a ring in his n'se. He doesn't necessarily
want a clinging vine, either. H's too practical, and he likes his freedom too much to
eijoy a female who sticks to him like rubber cement and cies at the drop of a hanky.
He doesn't mind a woman wth some fire and spunk. It intrigues him and balances hs
own steadier maturity. With a smile of detached amuse-nsnt, he'll watch her
cheerfully scampering around in tpical feminine fashion, as one would watch a
beloved, petty kitten playing with a brightly colored ball of yam. Jst so kitty knows
when the bull gives a strong tug on tb yarn, it's time to stop the fun and games and
listen to tb voice of her master. No one can be kinder, more gentle aid truly tolerant
than a Taurus man, when his mas-clinity is secure. He'll do anything in the world for
the w>man he loves except allow her to wear the pants. Tiurus may sometimes
behave like a clumsy circus bear, aid his humor is often rough and ridiculous. But
he will n
The bull enjoys shopping around and he'll seldom rush pill mell into a serious
courtship. The puzzled girl he's been taking to the movies every Saturday night for a
year may wonder if he's ever going to catch fire. It takes time for him to work up
enough steam in the boiler to get the engine going at full speed, but once he's set his
sights on a particular female, he can't be sidetracked. He may even forget to be
sensible and cautious. The typical Taurus man is blind to any warnings of
incompatibility when he's been pierced by Cupid's arrow. The more his friends point
out possible stumbling blocks, the more obstinate he gets, and you know how
obstinate that can be. Consequently, the Taurean frequently makes the mistake of
getting tangled up with fire and air signs, when he's better off with earth and water,
in most cases. Sometimes, it works out beneficially. Opposites can attract, and stay
attracted. But when it doesn't, Taurus will take a long time to get over the scars of a
divorce before he's ready to settle down again with a wife who more closely
matches his own disposition and outlook.
The financial picture with a Taurus man is usually excellent. Paint it pink and rosy.
Few Taureans will fail to accumulate at least security, if not wealth. Some of them
play the game of Monopoly with real money. And they win. Both real estate and
cash are easily conquered by the bull.
He probably loves the country, football, fishing and camping. If none of these, he
likes flowers, gardening or long walks. He prefers to read books about the dashing
heroes of olden days or the biographies of empire builders, rather than sophisticated fiction or deep philosophy. Most Taurus males subscribe to several men's
magazines, some earthy and practical, others featuring glossy pages of feminine
He's the ultimate in a man's man, so don't ever serve him those dainty tea
sandwiches with the crusts sliced off. He likes good, old-fashioned home cooking,
with. plenty of potatoes and gravy, and apple pie like Mom used to make. Get
yourself a good cookbook. He'll also be willing to take you out to dine frequently.
Typical Taureans don't expect their wives to be kitchen slaves. (But he may mess up
your pots and pans when he plays Sunday chef and expects you to play bus boy.)
As a parent, he's a perfect delight. He'll think it's important to have a son to carry on
the family name, but hell love the little girls with special tenderness. Taurus men
make loving, affectionate, warm and sympathetic fathers. He'll set high standards
for the children and expect them to respect property and possessions. The Taurean
dad is patient. He won't mind if the children learn their lessons slowly, so long as
they get them correctly. His attitude is that young minds should be trained gradually
toward maturity. You may find that he puts too much emphasis on material matters
and showers them with expensive gifts that spoil them. But he'll also shower them
with his time and devotion, and the firm hand of discipline will be there when it's
needed. In general, life with father, if he was born in May, can be a warm
experience, overflowing with love-except for those rare occasions when the bull
charges in blind, furious anger, and the whole family has to hide behind the piano.
The typical Taurean husband is generous to a fault with his wife. He won't deny you
nice clothes, perfume and baubles; attractive but practical furniture and a full pan-
try. The bull seldom skimps on furnishings, clothing or food. Still, money won't
bum any noticeable holes in his pockets (unless there are impulsive financial aspects
in his natal chart). He loves luxury, but he's just as enamoured with value, and he'll
make sure his cash buys more than a salesman's hot air.
This man will work hard and need lots of rest. See that he gets it, because he can be
quite a grumpy grouch when he's tired and out of sorts. Don't ever nag him or
accuse him of being lazy. That's like waving a red flag in his face. He lives life at
his own leisurely pace, and he won't be rushed or pushed. His speedometer is set at
one speed-deliberate. Attempts to make him spin merrily through a continual round
of whirlwind social activity are doomed to failure. He will enjoy entertaining in his
own home, but he'll prefer a few people of compatible interests to large crowds.
Invite old friends, or those who have serious goals and ambitions, and he'll behave
pleasantly and hospitably. If you insist on cluttering his castle with emptyheaded,
frivolous Go-Go types, he may just disappear from the scene-sometimes
Buy him one of those papa bear chairs that stretches out into a reclining position.
No loud noises, blaring radios and TV sets, chaos and scattered toys, please. Keep
your home full of music, beauty and peace. Remember that the trousers fit him
better than they do you. Be his woman, and you couldn't ask for a better man. No
one else will ever treat you with such gracious consideration. He really deserves to
be respected for it. Taurus love is simple, plain and honest. His affectionate nature
and flattering attention will make you sure you are loved, in spite of all your little
faults and failings that other men would constantly criticize. Taurus gives enduring
loyalty and devotion, with a faithful heart. That adds up to emotional security. Com-
bined with financial security and romance, there's little else to ask for. So all right,
he's stubborn, but remember that stubbornness turned upside down is patience, and
that's a rare virtue.
Get a nice, furry, fluffy blanket (Taurus loves things that feel soft to the touch), tuck
it around him when he's in his papa bear chair, and read him the stock market report.
Be sure he gets his hot bath with scented oils and lots of fragrant soap. Serve him a
big bowl of rich porridge. Then you're sure to have a strong, gentle man, who will
protect you from all the storms. Contentment is the word. Doesn't it have a cozy
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